Pain & Healing and its Effects
This 2-hour performance created a shared space with the spectators. The concept took birth from questioning sources of pain and violence, verbal or physical. Where does pain come from and Why? What stimulates us? Is it a Social construct? Or collective conscious? Our immediate reality or something very primitive?
My still, upright body, two plates full of bandages made of plaster and black paint were the material provided to the spectators. They had a choice to apply either or both on my body.
This was Performed at Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol, (UK) for the first time, in 2015.

'Stuck' is a piece about the social, mental and political condition of modern India. It channels emotions related to Industrialisation and farmers' suicides - especially cotton farmers - and how these affected me while growing up in a family of farmers. The feeling of helplessness and being stuck was depicted by getting entangled in red woollen thread under a huge metal crane at Bristol Harbour in Bristol, United Kingdom.
Being stuck was depicted by getting entangled in red woollen thread under a huge metal crane at Bristol Harbour in Bristol, United Kingdom.

Why Kill Mocking Art?
This Installation was an attempt to replicate an image of the Goddess Artemis of Ephesus. In Ephesus, She was worshipped as a goddess of fertility and identified with Cybele, the mother goddess of eastern lands. The image of her in sculptures has been seen to have 100 breasts, which was recreated using black plastic bags around the body for the audience at the Performance Art Festival, Kolkata.